Hi LGTU readers!

We use affiliate links in some posts to link to products or services we recommend. These links add no extra cost to you but they do generate commissions for us to help support the site. This is a win-win for you and us – you don't pay anything extra and we get compensated for writing and doing projects for the blog.

In an ideal world the revenue from these purchases would sustain the blog and enable us to take on more projects that you actually help fund! Imagine that!

We include links to products and services because we believe they are valuable to you – if you end up doing a project inspired by a post, we want to make sure you know what to get. When you buy through us, you help us!

List of Affiliates

We will only use affiliates that we actually buy from and use ourselves. In fact, sometimes we still link to a product or service without an affiliation just because we think it's good.

  • Amazon.com*
  • HomeDepot.com
  • Fabric.com
  • KnitPicks.com
* We try to recommend local stores or other affiliates over Amazon where possible.

If you have any questions, let us know!